Health – Super Fitness Recipes | Food, Travel, Family, Entertainment Sat, 19 Mar 2022 13:47:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Tips For Staying Healthy During Pregnancy Sat, 19 Mar 2022 13:47:46 +0000


Staying healthy during pregnancy is fairly essential not only for a healthy delivery but also for a healthy baby.

People who abuse drugs and alcohol during pregnancy often give birth to children with genetic abnormalities.

It’s a sin to harm your progeny’s life when he has no fault of his own.

This is why staying healthy during pregnancy is essential because you are responsible for handling two lives and keeping them safe.

If you don’t want to endanger your unborn baby, staying healthy during pregnancy is of foremost importance, and we are here to help you.

Tips To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

If you are trying to conceive or are already pregnant and taking care of yourself, it’s time you learn the top 10 tips that pregnant women must follow.

Once you make the below-mentioned changes in your lifestyle, nothing can stop you from delivering a healthy baby.

So, let’s start:

1: Say No To Drugs And Alcohol

It does not matter how much of an addict you are, if you are pregnant, you have to stop all drugs instantly.

If it seems tough, VSM provides drug and alcohol detox treatment in Austin. So, you can check in with their professionals.

Even if you are not an addict and prefer drinking and doping socially, it’s time to put a stop to that.

2: Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is not considered a dangerous drug, but if pregnant women keep on getting high on coffee, it increases their risk of a miscarriage.

You won’t want to lose the life that you’ve nurtured in your womb for all this time.

Caffeine can also cause gastritis and heartburn problems, which may harm the baby inside you. Therefore, limit your caffeine intake to 200 mg/day when you are pregnant to ensure an optimum health quotient.

3: Take Prenatal Supplements

If your doctor advises you to take prenatal supplements, you should listen to him.

These supplements contain essential nutrients like calcium, iron, folic acid, which you may not get at the required amount when you eat your daily food.

Your gynecologist will prescribe you the supplement if needed, and you can easily get them in a pharmacy. Taking these supplements will help your baby get the essential nutrients for its growth.

4: Sleep Well

When you are in your second and third trimester, you must sleep on your left side and keep your knees bent a little. It increases the blood flow to the placenta and puts less pressure on the womb.

You should also try to sleep for 7-9 hours a day. It will give your body the energy to take care of your baby because your delivery time is knocking at the door, and you won’t want anything to mess this up.

5: Eat Well

Tips To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

NO, you don’t have to eat twice the food you normally eat just because you are pregnant.

It’s a myth that we would like to debunk right here right now.

You have to eat healthily and consciously, and your food must have all the nutrients like protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, etc., which are essential for your baby’s development.

You should also stay hydrated and drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day. Dehydration can lead to constipation, and a constipated body may harm your baby’s habitat inside.

6: Stay Physically Active

If someone tells you that you have to reduce your physical tasks during pregnancy, they are wrong.

Exercise is always good for your body, and pregnancy is no exception.

Of course, we are not asking you to lift weights at the gym, but some healthy stretching and yoga can never do any harm to your baby.

However, if you are feeling uncomfortable doing the exercise, inform your gynecologist, and take his advice before starting the workout.

7: Don’t Stress

This advice may sound like a cliche, but it’s non-negotiable, and we have to say it out loud.

You should not take too much stress when you are pregnant because it can increase your chances of birth to premature babies or babies with low birthweight.

Therefore, you should avoid stressful situations as much as you can.

This is not only your responsibility, so make sure your family members and partner are well aware of it.

8: Find The Right Support System

Your body goes through ample physical, mental, and psychological changes when you are pregnant.

It will take you time to adjust to this new feeling, and that’s why finding the right support system is essential in pregnancy.

Surround yourself with people who love you, care for you, and with whom you can share your concerns without any hesitation. It includes your partner, family, in-laws, siblings, doctor, midwife, etc.

9: Stop Smoking

This one goes without saying, but we are still going to mention it.

You should not smoke when you are pregnant. Even one cigarette a day can also harm your baby’s growth.

It increases your baby’s chances of premature birth, SIDS, miscarriage, genetic abnormalities, etc. even if you are trying to conceive, you should stop smoking right away.

10: Limit Your Exposure

You should limit your exposure to outside elements when you are pregnant because you never know which one of those will harm the fetus.

If you work around toxic chemicals, wear a PPE kit to safe-keep your baby. If you get unpleasant smells in the home, wear a mask right away.

You should also stop using chemical products and start using organic products right now. Ensure you wash all fruits and veggies before eating to ensure they don’t contain any bacteria.

Take Care!

Are you still with us?

Well, it means you have taken our tips seriously. So, it’s time you put them into action.

Start living a healthy lifestyle right now because when you are pregnant, you are at risk every time you don’t take any action to keep your baby safe.

Henceforth, if you come across any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask us in the comment box. We will get back to you with a reply soon enough.

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  • Tips To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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4 Things All Expecting Mothers Need To Know Fri, 11 Feb 2022 07:32:55 +0000


Whether this is your first pregnancy or fourth, these four simple tips can help support every expecting mother.

Establish Care

One of the most important relationships to establish as an expecting mother is with your health care provider. You will need to find a women’s healthcare center that can support you through your entire pregnancy journey. Make sure the facility is accessible and easy to get in touch with when needed. A good women’s health care center will provide a wide range of services from family planning to gynecological care, prenatal care, and post-natal care. When you go in for your first appointment, be prepared to discuss your previous medical history and have some basic labs drawn. It is typical for your provider to perform a full physical, collect a urine sample, and draw blood during this appointment. You can also use this time to discuss any personal concerns or questions you may have about your pregnancy. Your provider should be willing to answer your questions, ease concerns, and help you feel comfortable.

Take Vitamins

It is especially important for pregnant women to get proper vitamins and minerals for a healthy pregnancy. During this time, you need to consume enough nutrients for yourself and your developing baby. When you see your doctor, ask about what prenatal vitamins are best for you. Many prenatal vitamins will include things like folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin, D, vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, and some other important vitamins and minerals for pregnant mothers. Your doctor may prescribe prenatal vitamins during your first prenatal appointment, or you can obtain prenatal vitamins over the counter at your local store. Before taking any new vitamins, make sure to tell your doctor what other vitamins, supplements, or medications you currently take or plan on taking. It is important to discuss everything with your doctor in case any of your supplements have interactions and to make sure they are all safe for use during pregnancy.

Consider Nutrition

In addition to taking vitamins and supplements, it is important to build your nutrition from a healthy foundation. Try to eat a well-balanced diet full of whole foods from natural sources. Eating a diet rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals is essential for a healthy pregnancy. You can get these things from foods like whole grains, berries, leafy vegetables, legumes, and lean meats. Avocados, sweet potatoes, and salmon, for example, provide an excellent source of healthy fat and essential vitamins. Try avoiding fish high in mercury or undercooked foods like eggs, sushi, swordfish, or tuna. To help properly digest everything you are taking in, make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water each day.

Eliminate Toxins

As you clean out and balance your diet, make sure to continue eliminating any additional exposure to toxins. When you are pregnant, you must stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes as these things can be detrimental to you and your baby’s health. Limit any exposure you might have around others who also smoke, as secondhand smoke can be extremely harmful when inhaled. To avoid any complications during your pregnancy, review any other drugs or medications you might be exposed to with your doctor during your prenatal exams.

Take care of yourself and your baby during your pregnancy journey with the proper vitamins, nutrition, and supportive health care.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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5 Options for Women Experiencing Fertility Issues Thu, 11 Nov 2021 10:45:17 +0000


It’s more common than you might think to experience issues conceiving. With modern technology, there are more ways to cope with and treat these issues than ever before. Here are five options for women experiencing fertility issues.

1. Assisted Reproductive Technology

There are several assistive reproductive technology options available. The most well-known of these is IVF, or in vitro fertilization. IVF is a process where the egg is fertilized in a lab and then implanted into the womb. Another option is IUI, or intrauterine insemination, where sperm is inserted into the uterus during ovulation. The last two options, zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) and gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), are broadly similar. In ZIFT, the egg is fertilized in a lab and then implanted in the fallopian tube. In GIFT, the egg and sperm are implanted in the fallopian tube together.

2. Adoption

Adoption is one of the most traditional and non-invasive options for people experiencing fertility issues. If you don’t want to opt for any medical treatments or if those treatments don’t work, you may want to look into adoption to see if it’s right for you. Keep in mind that while most of the other available options are standardized across the United States, adoption regulations may vary by state or region. For example, adoption in Iowa may differ from adoption in Louisiana or New Hampshire. If you decide to adopt, make sure you do your research.

3. Surgical Procedures

There are surgical procedures that can treat certain causes of infertility in both male and female reproductive organs. For female reproductive organs, there are two types of surgery: tubal surgeries and hysteroscopic or laparoscopic surgeries. In some cases, there are blockages in the fallopian tubes, si tubal surgeries will be employed to remove those blockages. In other cases, there may be issues with the anatomy of the uterus, such as deformities of the uterine cavity, fibroids, adhesions or polyps. If these issues occur, your doctor may recommend a hysteroscopic or laparoscopic procedure to correct them.

4. Medication and Hormone Treatment

You may also have the option to undergo hormone therapy or take medications to treat your infertility. Medication will typically be prescribed if you’re diagnosed with a hormone imbalance or certain autoimmune conditions. For example, Metformin is usually prescribed when infertility is caused by insulin resistance, while Clomiphene citrate is typically prescribed to stimulate ovulation.

5. Counseling

No matter which option you choose, it’s a good idea to pair it with counseling. Infertility can be difficult to come to terms with because it’s something that tends to be out of your control. Counseling can help you deal with your diagnosis, make informed decisions and find relevant resources. You can also find support and advocacy groups.

If you’re experiencing fertility issues, you should talk to your doctor about your options. You may already have an idea of what you want to do or you may not know what to do. Either way, your doctor can help you make decisions and find resources to help you.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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Tips for Staying Healthy While You Are Pregnant Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:03:47 +0000


Pregnancy can be unsettling if you have never been pregnant before. You may not know what you need to do to stay healthy during this time. Follow these tips to stay healthy and safe during your pregnancy.

Educate Yourself

Being pregnant does not have to be scary if you know what to expect. It is a good idea to read some books about pregnancy or take advantage of the pregnancy education classes offered by clinics or hospitals in your area. This will take a lot of the mystery out of your situation and help you to feel at ease.

Adopt a Healthy Diet

Eating healthy foods is one of the best things you can do for your baby and yourself. Concentrate on eating lots of colorful vegetables and fruits, dairy foods and whole grains. Try to have most of your diet be whole foods rather than highly processed foods. Don’t eat too many sweets or drink sugary drinks. Stay away from caffeine.

Drink Lots of Water

You need more water than usual when you are pregnant. The volume of your blood increases up to 50% when you are pregnant to supply your baby with nutrients and oxygen. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water every day. If you don’t like plain water, squeeze in a slice of lemon or lime or mix in a little fruit juice.

Don’t Forget To Exercise

Don’t stop exercising when you get pregnant. Moderate exercise will not hurt the baby, and it will help you to stay healthy and fit throughout your pregnancy. Exercise can reduce stress, improve your mood and help you to sleep better. Check with your doctor to make sure the activity you plan on doing will be safe, but in most cases, it will be fine.

Get Enough Sleep

Your body is doing extra work during pregnancy to grow your baby. You need plenty of sleep to keep your body at its optimum health. Try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Adequate sleep will help you to be less stressed and better able to cope with life.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin

To make sure that both you and your baby get all the nutrients you both need, take a prenatal vitamin every day. Calcium, iron and folic acid are especially important.

Connect With Friends

Pregnancy can be an emotional time. It is important to have people you can talk to in order to stay on an even keel. If you are in a new area and don’t have a lot of friends nearby, join some prenatal classes to meet other pregnant women. You can support each other during your pregnancies and later when you become mothers, too.

Get Regular Prenatal Care

Find a health care provider and attend regular prenatal checkups. Your doctor or nurse practitioner will make sure that you are doing the right things to stay healthy and keep your baby healthy, too.

Follow these tips to stay healthy, and your pregnancy will be as easy as possible on your physical and mental health.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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6 Ways to Stop Your Sport Bra Chafing Tue, 17 Aug 2021 10:39:24 +0000


If you run, then you have most likely experienced the pain of sports bra chafing. It is an affliction many active women have resigned to live with in their physical pursuits.

For many the chafing affliction if uncomfortable. For others it is painful. For a few it can become so severe it literally stops them in their tracks.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

To stop your sports bra from chafing you need to answer a definitive ‘yes’ to the following 6 questions.

  1. Are you wearing the correct size sports bra?
  2. Is your sports bra a good fit?
  3. Does it offer adequate support?
  4. Does the style suit your activity?
  5. Do you wear ultra-packs and other accessories correctly?
  6. Have you tried anti-chafe products?

Read on and learn how to get back in the game chafe free!

What Causes Sports Bra Chafe?

To stop sports bra chafe we need to understand what it is and what causes it.

Firstly, let’s answer the question of what sports bra chafe is. Quite simply it is any rubbing on the skin caused by your sports bra during activity.

Common chafe locations are between your breasts, along the band line and under the back clasp. That said, chafing can occur at any location where your sports bra touches your skin.

Now for what causes it. Wow, that is a tough question to answer. The causes can be single or a combination of things.

Most chafing is caused by your sports bra rubbing on your skin. So, it stands to reason that anything that causes your sports bra to move can cause rubbing. Incorrect size, poor fit and unsuitable style can all cause a sports bra to move and thus potentially rub.

Add to these things sweat, ultra-packs and other running accessories and you multiply any potential chafing problem.

6 Questions You Need to Answer ‘Yes’ Too.

What causes sports bra chafing

As with most problems an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure. Anyone who has experienced chafing firsthand will almost certainly agree.

There is no simple fix to stopping sports bra chafe. But do not despair. Work through my questions and get back on the road without the worry of chafing hanging over you run.

1. Are you wearing the correct size sports bra?

Did you know that up to 80% of women wear the wrong size bra? If this, is you then it is game over before you even start!

Why you ask? Quite simply because the job of your sports bra is to hold everything in place. If it is the wrong size it will struggle to do that, and the resulting movement can cause rub.

The fix? You guessed it. Get the right size sports bra. One that snugly fits around your chest and hold your breasts fully and securely.

Do this and answer ‘yes’.

2. Is your sports bra a good fit?

Finding the right size sports bra is step one in the ‘no chafe’ puzzle. Step two is fit. How can this be you ask? Surely if it is the right size, it will be a good fit?

Unfortunately, not. As strange as it may seem you can have the correct size sports bra, but it just doesn’t fit well.

This is because we are all different. And so too is every sports bra. Put this combination together and it is easy to see why one bra is the correct size and fits well yet another doesn’t.

The solution here is to try on a number of sports bras in your size. You will quickly feel which one fits well and which one doesn’t.

My suggestion, go with the good fitting one and answer ‘yes’.

3. Does it offer adequate support?

The final piece of the sports bra puzzle is support. And it is an important one. Not just to stop your breasts from painful bounce but also painful rub!

I shed a little tear when I see a woman running in a strappy crop. All that bounce can not only lead to long term breast damage but also to short term (or maybe not!) breast chafe.

Bounce = movement. And movement = chafe. Stop the movement and you can help stop the chafe.

Wearing a high support sports bra will help keep the bouncing under control. Another ‘yes’.

4. Does the style suit your activity?

There is a huge array of sports bra styles out there. Crop tops, front zips, t-backs, underwired, the list goes on. And just as many different activities’ we women participate in.

To stop chafe you need to match the style of the bra to your intended activity. There is no point wearing a strappy crop to a half marathon. Your boobs will bounce all over the place and all that movement is a magnet for chafe.

Why is my sports bra chafing me

If you have answered ‘yes’ so far but still get chafe, then you could be wearing the wrong style. Try the following.

  • Underwire can cause chafe. Try a wire-free style.
  • The band is another common chafe point. Go for a firm, wide, seam-free under band.
  • The clasp back can rub. Look for a padded back clasp.
  • It is common to get run between the breasts. Try an encapsulation style to keep the breasts separated.
  • If you cups rub then look for soft, seam-free cups.
  • Straps can sometimes rub. Check your strap fit before every use.
  • If this doesn’t solve strap rub, try a Racerback style.
  • Sweat can exacerbate chafe. Go for a lightweight style.

Add all of these recommendations together and get a style ‘yes’!

5. Do you wear ultra-packs and other accessories correctly?

They have become the must-have accessory of the modern runner. And with good reason. With added distance comes added hydration and sustenance requirements. Enter the ultra-pack or hydration pack.

These packs can ‘smoosh’ your breasts together, put added pressure on you back and cause excess sweating. As such, they raise the chafing bar to another level.

To counter this, make sure your pack is the correct size and is fitted correctly (sound familiar?) It should not put any undue pressure on your body.

Get the right pack size and fit and answer ‘yes’ number five.

6. Have you tried anti-chafe products?

If you answered ‘yes’ to all the above questions but you still experience the dreaded chafe. Then it is time to turn to creams, balms and butters.

There are many anti-chafe products on the market. All of them promoting an end to rub. I cannot personally recommend any as each of us is different and where we may rub can differ too.

A quick chat to a friend or internet search should point you in the right direction and give you your final ‘yes’.

Closing Thoughts

Sports bra chafe is rarely caused by one problem but is often a combination of multiple factors. And as such the solution if also often multi-pronged.

If you suffer chafe, then work through my questions. Answering ‘yes’ to each one in turn until you stop the dreaded rub in its tracks. Woo hoo!

If your personal anti-chafe solution means a new sports bra then what better place to get one than Sports Bras Direct ( Not only do they have a great range of high-quality sports bras. But there is also a wealth of knowledge on everything ‘sports bra’ to help you solve any sports bra problem you may have.

Yours in support.

  • TAGS
  • How do I keep my sports bra from chafing
  • How do I stop my bra from chafing
  • How to Stop Your Sports Bra Chafing
  • How to treat sports bra chafing
  • What causes sports bra chafing
  • Why is my sports bra chafing me
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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Physical Changes You Experience During Pregnancy Sat, 24 Jul 2021 08:40:55 +0000


From the moment you become pregnant, your body begins to go through many changes. The major systems in your body, such as circulatory, hormonal and musculoskeletal, experience transformations to adjust to the life growing inside you. It’s essential to see a doctor during this time so that they can monitor this process and ensure you and your baby stay healthy. If you are looking for prenatal care, there may be a free women’s clinic Cicero, IL in your town. Read on to learn more about the changes to expect during pregnancy.

Fluctuating Hormones 

As the egg implants into your uterus, it signals your body to make some drastic changes to hormone levels. These hormones stop menstruation and signal your body to create an environment supportive of life. The hormones responsible for this are progesterone, estrogen and HCG. As these chemicals increase dramatically over the first few weeks of pregnancy, you notice a decrease in your energy level and an increase in moodiness, as well as nausea and vomiting. As these crazy hormones begin to plateau during the end of the first trimester, you experience more energy and begin to feel better.

Increasing Blood Volume

The growing fetus relies on your blood supply for all nutrients and oxygen during pregnancy. Your body increases the volume of blood in your body to accommodate this demand. As this happens, it causes your heart, liver and kidneys to work harder. It’s important to eat foods with a lot of iron to ensure you don’t become anemic. As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on surrounding blood vessels, making you feel dizzy when you stand up or move too quickly. To prevent this, stand up slowly, wear loose-fitting clothing and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Loosening of Joints

Hormones and your growing baby put pressure on different parts of your body, causing aches and pains you’ve never felt before. The hormone relaxing causes joints and ligaments to loosen to prepare your body for delivery. You may also feel minor back pain and your baby begins to push against nerves and muscles. The outward growth of your uterus causes the ligaments in your abdomen to stretch and spread apart, sometimes causing shooting or pulsating pain. This discomfort is nothing to worry about, and a maternity belt may help support these ligaments as your baby continues to grow.

Slowing of Digestion

It’s no surprise that a growing baby puts pressure on your stomach and digestive system. In addition, your fluctuating hormone levels slow down the digestion process. This change often leads to constipation, nausea and heartburn. Some medications are safe to take during pregnancy, so if you experience these unpleasant symptoms, ask your doctor which to take.

Developing Fluid Retention

Towards the end of your pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to experience fluid retention. If you notice your feet and legs swelling, find comfortable shoes and try to put your legs up in the evening. Staying hydrated helps flush your body of this excess fluid, so ensure you are drinking plenty of water.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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5 Workouts for Women to Do at Home Sat, 17 Apr 2021 15:04:52 +0000


Do you enjoy exercise? Love seeing the results and the feeling you get when you’re done with a good workout? But, if you have children, a full-time job and activities in between – how do you fit in time for the gym? Answer: You do not have to go to a gym to get your daily exercise in, you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

There are many fun and effective exercises that can be completed at home, here are a few workouts that women can perform at home.

1. Planks
Planks are the best types of exercise for the core muscles. They also work your obliques and abs. They may promote stability and power, improve your posture, and minimize back pain.

When performing a plank, the first step is to get into a pushup position with your feet behind you. Keep your hands under your shoulders and lock out your legs and arms. In that position, try squeezing your core muscles and holding your body stiff. Do it for as long as you can. Once you are comfortable with the basic plank variation, try out more complex variations like forearm, side and bear planks. Time yourself and try to progress each session.

2. Lunges
Performing lunges at home is simple and you don’t need much space. The exercise targets your lower body muscles. Start the exercise with your working leg forward. Keep the other leg hip distance apart and get into a split position. Ensure that the heel of your back leg is up.

Bend your knees ensuring that the front one stays over your ankles. At the final point, you should have both the front and back legs make 90-degree angles. Repeat ten sets and three reps about twice every week.

3. Mountain Climbers

Ab workouts are great, but they aren’t enough to shred stomach fat. You need some cardio for best results. Mountain climbers are perfect when you need to work up a sweat and blast the core.

Get into a plank position and lock your arms. Keep your body tight and get one knee after the other off the floor. The aim is to push your knees as far up towards your chest as possible. Repeat the motions in quick succession. You should appear to be climbing a hill.

4. Russian Twists

Russian twists are great for working your obliques. Get into a sit-up position and try crunching towards your knees. Lean back, keeping your torso at 45 degrees to the floor. With your hands clasped in front of you, try twisting side to side as fast as you can. After a few reps, you should feel your obliques engage.

You can make the exercise more difficult by lifting your legs off the floor while doing your twists. Alternatively, you can use a heavy ball for resistance.

5. Flutter Kicks

Many people struggle with lower abs and flutter kicks may be the solution. Lay on your back with your hands at the sides and your legs slightly raised. Stay flat and keep your legs together approximately six inches off the floor. Lower one leg and raise the other one. Alternate your movements in rapid succession. The exercise gives you a burn in the abdomen and it looks like you are kicking in the air.

Whether you are trying to stay fit, lose a few pounds, or get six-pack abs, you may not even need to leave your own home. However, if your current living situation isn’t ideal for a home workout, and you may need an extra room or some more space – searching nearby homes for sale can be a solution to getting a home gym sooner than later.

With some space at your new home, you can complete simple exercises like planks, Russian twists, lunges, mountain climbers, and flutter kicks. They do not require any special equipment. Working out at home three to four times every week can have incredible results on your body.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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The Most Common Breast Enlargement Procedures Mon, 25 Jan 2021 13:54:29 +0000


A breast enlargement procedure is a cosmetic surgery procedure to increase breast size and improve breast shape, usually through the placement of some form of breast implants. The ultimate goal of a breast enlargement procedure is to enhance the patient’s natural proportions, and the cosmetic surgeon will tailor the procedure to meet each patient’s individual needs.

Why have breast augmentation surgery?

There are several reasons why people might want to have this surgery. Having larger breasts is just one of them. Another common reason, for example, is to correct a noticeable breast asymmetry. Restoring breast fullness after pregnancy and breastfeeding is also a common motive.

Of course, undergoing surgery is a big decision, and you have to carefully consider it. However, whatever the reason you decide to go for it, the procedure’s primary aim is to enhance your self-image and boost your confidence. To feel the best version of yourself.

Is it safe?

The answer is yes. As with every surgery, there is a minor risk for side effects. However, the procedures are now so standardised and safe that you don’t need to worry. Breast augmentation is still the most common cosmetic surgery procedure, and every year in the UK, more than 8000 women decide to go under the knife to enhance their cleavage.

Also, before your procedure, you will talk extensively with your expert surgeon who will explain to you all the steps of the surgery and recovery. They will also advise you on the maximum size you can reach safely. One of the most important thing with breast augmentation, in fact, is to make sure that the implant is not too large for the size of your anatomy and your body shape. This will minimise the risk of complications in the future.

What types of breast implants are available?

Today, if you are planning to have a breast enlargement procedure, your surgeon will discuss with you all the available options, and together you will decide the best plan of action to achieve your desired results.

What types of breast implants are available

The first thing you’ll discuss with your doctor is the choice of implant. By definition, a breast implant is “a medical prosthesis that is placed inside the breast to augment, reconstruct, or create the physical form of the breast”. But don’t let these big words scare you. Your breast implant will be the mean to achieve your aesthetic goals and feel good in your skin.

The most common types of implants are:

1. Saline breast implants

Saline implants are FDA-approved implants for breast augmentation in women above 18 years old. They are filled with sterile saltwater and provide a uniform shape, feel and firmness.

In the unlikely event of an implant leaking, the whole implant will collapse, and the saline will be absorbed and expelled by the body without causing any issue.

2. Structured saline breast implants

Similarly to saline breast implants, structured implants are filled with sterile saltwater, but they also contain an inner structure which provides a more natural feel to the implant.

3. Silicone breast implants

Silicone implants are FDA-approved implants for breast augmentation in women above 22 years old. They are filled with silicone gel and provide a feel that is more similar to the natural breast tissue. For this reason, they are the most commonly chose implant worldwide.

In the unlikely event of a leak, the silicone will remain within the implant shell or within the implant pocket, and the implant will not collapse.

4. Gummy bear breast implants

Gummy bear breast implants are form-stable implants filled with a thicker silicone gel than the traditional silicone ones. They have a firmer feeling and a unique shape, with more projection at the bottom and tapered towards the top.

They are usually referred to as gummy bear implants because they retain their shape even when if the implant shell is broken.

Other factors to consider when choosing breast implants

Factors to consider when choosing breast implants In addition to the different implants’ materials, it is also important to discuss with the surgeon other factors influencing the choice.

  • Surface: implants can have two types of surfaces, smooth and textured. Textured implants are very common because they often do a better job at adhering with the body’s tissue.
  • Shape: implants can have two shapes, teardrop or round. Generally, round-shaped implants are more similar to the natural shape of the breast. On the other hand, teardrop-shaped implants are the best option for patients who had parts of the breast removed during a previous surgery.
  • Placement: implants can be placed either between the chest muscle and the existing breast tissue (subglandular placement) or partially under the chest muscle (submuscular placement).

For all these factors, there is no universal approach, not a “best one” overall.  Your skilled surgeon will help you decide which is the best option for you and your needs.

Non-surgical breast augmentation procedures

Many patients don’t feel comfortable with the idea of implants and might not want invasive surgery. It’s good to know that nowadays there are alternatives to breast implants.

According to research, it is estimated than non-surgical breast augmentation procedures have gone up 70% in the last 20 years, and they are now surpassing other surgical treatments.

Non-surgical breast enhancement procedures are referred to as breast lift or mastopexy. The aim of these non-invasive treatments is to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining tissue. No cuts, incision or general anaesthesia involved.

Non-invasive procedures for breast lift include techniques which stimulate the chest muscles to create a lifting effect, techniques to tighten the skin (for example, laser or other collagen-inducing procedures) or injections with dermal fillers (similar to the ones used for wrinkles and lines on the face).

A successful natural alternative to surgical implants is represented by fat transfer. This procedure involves removing fat from an area of the body where it is in excess and transfer it to the area that requires restoration or enlargement. Extensive research has shown that fat transfer, also called lipomodelling, is an effective non-invasive approach to obtain breast augmentation with long-lasting results.

  • TAGS
  • The Most Common Breast Enlargement Procedures
  • types of breast implants
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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3 Things You Should Know About Microblading Thu, 30 Jul 2020 00:55:46 +0000


If you’ve ever looked in awe at a celebrity’s thick, lush red-carpet eyebrows and wondered what it would be like to just wake up with perfect brows, you may have considered getting microblading Long Island NY. Microblading, a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that can help you get flawless brows without makeup, has become more popular in recent years. Before you decide to take the plunge and undergo the procedure, though, there are a few things you should know.

1. It’s Not the Same as a Brow Tattoo

It can be easy to get microblading and brow tattoos mixed up, but they actually use different processes to achieve results. With microblading, your technician will use a pen with very thin blades to inject pigment stroke by stroke, mimicking the appearance of individual, natural brow hairs. While this may seem to take a little while longer than a simple tattoo, the look of full, natural brows can be well worth it. In fact, finely done microblading sometimes is hard to distinguish from your own brow hairs.

2. It Shouldn’t Hurt

Contrary to what you might expect, microblading shouldn’t be painful. In fact, a numbing cream is applied to the area at the start of the procedure to prevent discomfort. While you may feel some of the tiny strokes, the special pen used is so fine that there shouldn’t be more than mild discomfort, depending on your level of pain tolerance. If this isn’t the case, be sure to let your technician know right away so they can adjust their technique and potentially add more numbing cream.

3. Prepare Your Skin Beforehand

Finally, if you’ve decided to go ahead with getting your brows microbladed, be sure to properly prepare your skin ahead of your appointment. For instance, spray tanning or waxing is a no-go, since it can potentially cause result-disrupting irritation. Similarly, certain skincare products, like retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids and exfoliants can sometimes cause similar issues and should be avoided in the weeks leading up to your appointment. Additionally, ask your doctor before proceeding if you’re taking blood thinners or other medication, as it could interfere with results and even be dangerous.

If you love the idea of waking up every morning with effortlessly flawless brows, microblading could potentially help give you a confidence boost on a daily basis. Keep these three facts in mind, and you can decide whether getting your eyebrows microbladed is worth it for you.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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How to Delay Periods for a Week Naturally at Home Wed, 04 Dec 2019 11:49:03 +0000


All of us have those important days in our lives where we want to be our absolute best, be it in terms of how we look or how we feel from the inside. But such momentous days can become a nightmare for any woman if it clashes with her period.

The monthly cycle takes away the glow, makes us weak, bloated and not to talk about the dreadful cramps and the unbearable abdominal pain. All of us in such situations wish that somehow our period got delayed naturally.

What can one possibly do when this situation arises? Let the period suck all the happiness from the occasion you were looking forward to or opt for a quick fix namely pills for delaying period.

We have a third way out and it’s all natural. Yes, you heard it right, this way out is accompanied along with the least side effects. Don’t trust me? Read on and thank me later.

What alters our menstrual cycle?


External factors such as change of place or water or weather are attributed to causing a change in our cycle. Lifestyle and stress are also known to impact how and when we get our periods.

Some foods are known to delay or trigger our periods. All of these we will be discussing at length in following sections.

Why do we want to delay our period naturally?

This is a common question which comes to our head when we look for delaying our period. Why look for a natural method when we can delay our period just by popping a pill.

First things first, pills might provide you with a quick and effective solution, but at the cost of a gamut of side effects.

Some of the side effects include getting a heavy period the next time you have your period, experiencing cramps of greater intensity causing a lot of physical and mental discomfort.

There are other side effects which vary from person to person. We suggest that unless extremely urgent, one should not go for this option.

When we talk of delaying periods naturally, all we are focusing on is reducing the aforementioned side effects. In the further sections, we will talk about how we can really delay our period the natural way.

Is it safe to delay the period?

Although it is best not to interfere with mother nature’s way but there are times when we have little option of not doing so. Imagine it’s your wedding day and you get your period. Who would want that? But the ill effect can be minimised to a great extent if we plan ahead in time to delay our period naturally.

How to Delay Periods

Browse the internet and you will find hundreds of ways to delay your cycle. Here in this section, we have explained the most effective and easy ways to achieve just that. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Ditch spicy food

Spicy food containing chillies, garlic, pepper, etc are known to increase the blood flow in the body which in turns triggers the menstrual cycle. If you want to delay your period, quit having spicy food altogether for a couple of days.

  • Avoid foods which have a heating effect on the body

Herbs such as basil, fruits such as papaya, pineapple meats, etc are known to cause periods on or even before your date. So, eliminate all such things from your diet when you are looking for delaying your period.

A small tip here, if you are not getting your period and are worried about it, try consuming these foods and you are likely to get your period soon.

  • Avoid stress

Taking stress can interfere with your menstrual cycle in more ways than you know. Stress plays havoc on your hormones which either causes a delayed period or an early period.

Either way, you don’t know when will you get your period. So, avoid taking stress at all costs whether or not you are looking for delaying your period.

  • Exercise



You might think that how can exercising delay your periods. Exercising helps release a hormone known as endorphin or the happy hormone as we call it. This hormone helps reduce stress level thereby help to delay your period. But there are of course some particular types of exercises which you need to practice in order to delay your period. They are the following:

  1. Vigorous exercises like cardio and aerobics for half an hour every day.
  2. Muscle stretching
  3. Weightlifting (with proper guidance of a qualified fitness trainer)
  4. Swimming
  5. Cycling

These exercises increase the hormones required for delaying periods naturally and hence, you can increase the possibilities of achieving your goals.

  • Try consuming lentils

Lentils are proven to delay your periods. All you need to do is consume them on a daily basis. They help reduce complications in your periods and also aid in getting a lighter period.

All you need to do is fry the lentils and then grind till it comes to a powder consistency. Now prepare a soup out of it and sip away the tension of getting a heavy period.

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Drinking sufficient water ensures proper functioning of the body which in turn has a positive impact on your menstrual cycle.

So, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to avoid complications before or during your period and flush away the deadly period nightmare along with the body toxins.

  • Sleep well

As clichéd as it may sound, having a sound 7-8 hour sleep can have a huge impact on how and when you get your periods. Sleep helps reset the hormones and makes them function properly which in turn makes your period lighter and cramp free. So, sleep it away, girls.

  • Acidic all the way

Vinegar is known to help delay your period. Lemon has the same effect. These can help delay your periods for as much as 4 days.

Try consuming 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon in a glass of water twice a day, one on an empty stomach and the second one last thing at night.

Practice this for a few days every day for desired results. Doing this will not only delay your periods naturally for a few days but also detox your body and bring a glow on your face like never before.

  • Parsley to the rescue:

Parsley works wonders when it comes to delaying periods. In the morning, put 5-6 sprigs or parsley or coriander in the water that you drink and keep sipping it all day long.

You can alternatively grind some parsley or coriander with water and drink it twice daily. You might as well include it your diet, garnish your veggies and curries with it. Not only will it solve your purpose but will make your dish tastier.

  • The goodness of Raspberry leaves


We all love to drink the sweet and refreshing raspberry juice during summers. But just like this sweet little berry has health benefits, the leaves of raspberry can be a perfect remedy if you are thinking how to delay periods for few days naturally.

The best part of this remedy is that since it is completely natural, you do not have to worry about any side effects of delaying your period. All you have to do is get 5 to 6 fresh raspberry leaves and dry them completely.

Make a powder of these leaves, make a tea and drink it for a week before your expected period date. This will effectively help you achieve the delay in periods.

  • Go Bananas

Consume two bananas every morning during breakfast for at least 4 to 5 days before your regular period date and doing this will delay your period. Make sure you drink a cup of water after eating the bananas. With this, you can most likely delay tour period for a good two to three days easily.

  • Tangy tamarind pulp

Tamarinds are one of the most tempting fruits and we all love eating them and slurping their tingling taste. Tamarinds are a super food to delay your periods. All you need to do is take around 12 grams of tamarind and soak it in 250 ml water overnight.

In the morning, strain the water and separate seeds from it. Add a teaspoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt to the water. You can add a few ice cubes to this drink and consume it on an empty stomach. Make sure you drink this in the morning only. This should be done for a week, prior to your period date.

  • The beautifying fuller’s earth

Till now, you knew only one use of fuller’s earth. Using it as a face pack along with rose water to give your skin a glow and get rid of blemishes and dark spots or using the mixture as a substitute for soap.

But to your surprise, this wonder mixture of fuller’s earth and rose water is an ancient treatment used to delay periods. To do this, you need to soak 25 grams of Fuller’s earth in half a liter rose water or normal water for three hours and strain the mixture.

Consume in equal parts four times a day and do this for 6 to 8 days before the actual date of your period. This is a 100 percent natural treatment and hence, there are no side effects to worry about.

  • Consume low-temperature food

Apart from just avoiding foods which increase the heat content in your body, it is also important to be cautious about the temperature of the food. It is indeed not good to have spicy foods, but you should also focus more on eating foods which are cold.

If you have the habit of having hot vegetables and rice or soups, you need to pause this routine for a few days if you want to delay your period. You can eat the same foods but when they at a room temperature.

Some low-temperature foods are:

  1. Watermelon
  2. Papaya
  3. Cucumber
  4. Mint
  5. Radish
  6. Sesame
  7. Fennel seeds
  8. Coconut water
  9. Pomegranate
  10. Fenugreek seeds
  11. Milk
  12. Curd
  • The Chia Seed Effect


Chia seeds are an effective natural remedy to postpone your periods. All you need to do is soak 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds in one small cup of water overnight. Consume this on an empty stomach in the morning.

You can also add a tablespoon of sugar to make it taste better. Doing this for 4 to 5 days before the date would help you delay your periods and also control the excessive bleeding happening during menstruation.

  • Tablets to stop period


Well, we all know that a lot of people suggest birth control bills or other Allopathic pills and tablets to delay your periods. Though they are an easy answer on how to delay periods for a week, it is not really a good choice considering its consequences in the long run.

These pills have a lot of harmful side effects because they hinder your natural period cycle and you are doing nothing but messing up with your own body.

When you consume tablets to stop period, you can face ill effects like dizziness, headache, nausea, severe cramps during next periods, and irregularities in menstrual cycle and libido changes. Hence, it is better to focus on how to delay periods without pills.

Over to You, Ladies


There are many suggestions about how to delay period home remedies, but you should select the ones which are completely natural and safe and have no chemical and medicine consumption involved.

Most of these remedies are majorly dependent on your lifestyle. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, have a balanced diet, sleep on time, get sufficient sleep, exercise and hydrate well, your periods will naturally become lighter, less painful and will stay for a short duration.

The above-mentioned remedies aid in delaying your periods naturally with almost no side effects. Remember that it is never late to incorporate changes in your lifestyle to lead a better and blissful life. So, eat healthily and stay fit.

  • TAGS
  • How to delay period
  • How to delay period for vacation naturally
  • How to delay periods for a week
  • How to delay your period
  • How to postpone periods
  • How to postpone periods for 5 days
  • How to skip a period naturally
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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