Weight Loss – Super Fitness Recipes | Food, Travel, Family, Entertainment Wed, 21 Sep 2022 07:00:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 6 Habits That Could Be Undermining Your Attempts to Lose Weight Wed, 21 Sep 2022 07:00:03 +0000


Trying to lose weight is a grind. You’ve probably cut back on your favorite foods and begun incorporating daily workouts into your routine. When these changes don’t yield results, it can feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle.

Don’t let an apparent standstill derail your goals. It could be nothing more than a few sneaky habits that are to blame. Outlined below are six things that could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

1. Poor Sleep

A bad night’s rest does more than leave you feeling groggy. It can also undermine your weight loss efforts. That’s because lack of sleep increases the hunger hormone ghrelin and lowers the satiety hormone leptin. This leaves you craving high-calorie, carb-dense foods.

For many people, this is easily fixed by hitting the sheets a few hours earlier each night. However, others may be dealing with health conditions that impact their sleep.

Individuals suffering from sleep apnea often wake up throughout the night because they stop breathing. The good news is that a continuous positive airway pressure machine can help. Through CPAP masks, these devices deliver a steady stream of oxidized air into your mouth. This keeps your airways open and your breathing — and sleep — uninterrupted.

2. Eating Too Little

When you’re trying to lose weight, you may be tempted to cut your caloric intake to as low a level as possible. Counterintuitively, this strategy could cause your body to hold onto fat instead of shedding it.

When you’re not eating enough food, your metabolism slows down, reducing the amount of fat your body uses as fuel. This results in a lower amount of calories needed to maintain your weight and an even lower amount needed to lose fat.

To help keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, ditch the extreme diets for a more sustainable approach. A massive calorie deficit isn’t needed to lose weight. Simply cutting out your bedtime snack and adding a walk into your day will put you in a slight deficit. This will result in healthy, gradual weight loss over time.

3. Eating Out Too Often

Checking out your local restaurant scene is fun from time to time. But eating out multiple nights a week may stall your fitness journey.

Why I am not losing weight

When you eat at a restaurant, the portions are much larger than those you eat at home. This can tempt you to overeat. Additionally, many foods prepared at restaurants are cooked using butter, cream, and other high-fat ingredients. This can add hundreds of extra calories to your meal.

So do you need to stop eating at your favorite restaurant? Definitely not. Just try to keep your visits to once weekly. If you happen to eat out more than that one week, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, try adding a little extra movement into your day to compensate for the extra calories at dinner.

4. Only Caring About the Scale

You’ve been eating healthy and haven’t missed a single workout — only to see that the number on the scale went up. What happened? You’ve likely gained some muscle, which is a good thing. Having more muscle improves your body composition, giving you a leaner appearance. It’s also extremely helpful for protecting your body as you age.

To get a better idea of how you’re progressing, ditch the scale and try taking progress photos. Space progress photos out a month apart. It takes time for your body to visibly change, so you likely won’t see much difference week to week. You’ll also want to make sure you’re wearing the same outfit for each photo. That way you know your body is changing, and it’s not just tighter or looser clothing.

5. Skipping Strength Training

If you’re like many people, you may be hesitant to hit the squat rack while trying to lose weight. After all, wouldn’t cardio be better since it burns more calories per session? Not exactly. Strength training helps you build muscles, revving up your metabolism. This helps you burn more calories at rest, making it easier to increase your caloric intake and still lose weight.

If you’ve never done strength training before, you may not know where to start. Working with a personal trainer can help ensure you’re executing movements with proper form and take the guesswork out of programming. Can’t afford a personal trainer? There are plenty of low-cost programs online.

6. Rewarding Exercise With Junk Food

In order to build muscle and stay energized, it’s important to fuel your body with a healthy snack or meal after exercise. But it’s equally important that you don’t overeat. Many people overestimate how many calories they burn during a workout and treat themselves for the effort. This can undo many of the benefits exercise provides and makes it challenging to lose weight.

Instead of having a massive burger with a side of fries after working out, have a regular-sized snack or meal. To help repair and grow your muscles, it’s important that you eat at least 10 to 20 grams of protein after a good sweat session.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Body

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and haven’t seen the changes you hoped for, lifestyle factors could be to blame. The good news is a few simple tweaks to your approach can get you back on the right track.

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  • Why I am not losing weight
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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How To Maintain Weight Loss After Gastric Balloon Implantation? Wed, 15 Jun 2022 07:11:31 +0000


Once you have the balloon placed, how much are you supposed to eat? More importantly, what foods are you supposed to eat? Oh, and can you eat anything as long as you don’t eat past the point of getting full?

These are all common questions people have about this simple gastric balloon procedure. Do you have these questions and more? If so, that’s good news. It means you’re researching the balloon device, which is the first step to taking advantage of this amazing weight loss tool.

Here is all you need to know about the post-gastric balloon procedure lifestyle. Therefore, you can maximize your weight loss after the device has been placed.

Gastric Balloons To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Gastric Balloons have been around for over 30 years. The average weight loss sits slightly higher than other gastric balloons but this balloon is more used for people with higher BMI’s. The Spatz3 Gastric balloon sits for up to 12 months and the main difference is can be adjustable. More than 300,000 people have tried this procedure and the average weight loss was between 10-30kgs. Many people have lost upwards of 40 to 45kgs.

How to Begin the Gastric Balloon Lifestyle

Gastric balloon can provide a foundation for weight loss and renewed health. However, the actions you take and routines you follow after surgery will ultimately determine the success of your procedure. One of the most important considerations is your diet.

To get the most out of the gastric balloon, you must be committed to maintaining good eating habits and an active lifestyle. The balloon will be removed after six or twelve months. When it does come out, your stomach will once again be able to accommodate larger portions of food. Don’t fall into the trap of suddenly overeating just because you have the room.

The Gastric Balloon Diet

Although the content of your diet is important and will require significant adjustments, how you eat is just as important as what you eat. Most people are used to eating in a very specific way. Changing that routine even slightly can be the hardest part of losing weight. However, certain techniques can ease the transition, including:

  • Keeping a diet journal: Writing down a record of what you plan to eat versus what you actually eat can help you keep track of your daily intake and potentially problematic foods. This habit can also help you prepare for discussions with your nutritionist or support group. It also holds you accountable when you stray from planned meals. It is much harder to dismiss a written record than a mental outline.
  • Measuring portions: Measuring ingredients and portion sizes with a scale is important to prevent nutrient deficiencies, but also makes it more difficult to overindulge during meals.
  • Using smaller serving dishes: A large plate can underline the difference between what you used to eat and what you eat now. Using smaller plates and bowls can help you adjust to smaller portions and feel more satisfied.
  • Eating slowly: Chewing food slowly and thoroughly gives your stomach more time to register that it is full and breaks down meals thoroughly, minimizing the chance of discomfort and digestive issues.
  • Schedule Regular Exercise: Exercising regularly is easy once you get started. It’s actually starting, that’s the most difficult part. To infuse regular activity into your gastric balloon lifestyle, try going for a brisk walk first thing in the morning. The key is to exercise before you do anything else.
  • Weigh Yourself Regularly: Finally, weigh yourself often to make sure the weight you are losing is not creeping back. Keep the excess weight at bay by stepping on the scale every day or at least once weekly.

Bottom Line

If you have long struggled with your weight, the gastric balloon procedure could be the answer you seek to losing weight and keeping it off for good. Finding a place where you can understand your successes and setbacks can go a long way toward supporting long-term weight loss.

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  • How To Maintain Weight Loss After Gastric Balloon Procedure
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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4 Reasons to Make Friends with Gut Bacteria to Lose Weight Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:16:26 +0000


All human organs work in coordination to seamlessly perform various functions. If any of them suffers from malfunctioning, others also encounter challenges of varying degrees. The same goes for the impact of gut health on other body functions. A comprehensive understating of the phenomenon requires starting from the basics. Let’s start with gut bacteria.

Gut bacteria is one of the several intestinal microbiotas which reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Many of these unicellular microorganisms have beneficial impacts on the human body. Gut microbiota starts developing since the birth of an individual and continues to diversify till adulthood. A mature and healthy human contains trillions of microorganisms mainly dominated by two phyla, including firmicutes and bacteroidetes. Collectively, the microbiomes influence various functions of the human body, such as immunological, physical, dietary, and metabolic. Hence, the symbiotic functioning of the microbiomes significantly nourishes the overall well-being of the human body, where maintaining weight is one of the notable aspects.

The following sections dig deeper into the role of gut bacteria and explore their positive participation in regulating human body weight.

Stabilizing Body Weight

Gut microbiota carries out various digestive functions, including breaking down food and converting nutrients into energy, necessary for cellular functions. However, the problem occurs when the consumed food is non-nutritious or harms gut diversity, such as processed food. In such cases, the gut ecosystem can disturb digestive functions and contribute to weight gain.

Undeniably, enriched gut florae are essential for the ingestion of food and assimilation of associated nutrients. For instance, health-benefiting bacteria enhance digestible fragmentation of fibers and transforms them into useful fatty acids. Notably, fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory function which can help in weight management and even achieve leanness. On the other hand, the type and variety of food intake remarkably influence our digestive health. For instance, low fiber and high carb food reduce the diversity and population of health-benefiting bacteria. Such actions impair the nutrient absorption mechanism and impose negative consequences for the overall well-being.

Regulating Bowel Movement

Although a proper bowl movement depends upon various factors, including a balanced intake, sleep, and physical activity, gut health is also a huge contributor. Various research studies suggest that imbalanced and malfunctioning intestinal microbes lead to various gastroenterological problems, such as irregular bowel movement and inflammatory diseases. Problematic bowel movement in return establishes favorable conditions for even more severe gastrointestinal diseases.

A less diverse gut microbiome has lower production of substances like lactate and fatty acids. As a result, pH level regulation in the intestine is disturbed. In fact, clinical studies affirm a positive correlation between chronic constipation and imbalanced microbiota. It means patients suffering from chronic constipation show a significant discrepancy in firmicutes and bacteroidetes. Thus, appropriate levels of gut microbes are crucial to maintaining a healthy bowel movement.

Preventing Occurrence Of Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition where patients suffer from excessive buildup of body mass. According to the World Organization, a patient with a body mass index of more than 30 falls in the category of obesity. Fortunately, it is a curable disease in which the gut flora has a lot to contribute. For instance, the gut-inhibiting microbiomes significantly contribute to maintaining and regulating body weight. Specifically, the richness, pliability, and proportionate population of these microorganisms are necessary to prevent chronic diseases.

Studies reveal that the obese patients’ gut contains more firmicutes than bacteroidetes. One of the consequences of a higher number of firmicutes is the higher production of butyric acid. Butyric acid augments the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. As a result, caloric consumption is higher, which, in the long run, can establish obesity. In addition, fecal sample analysis shows that obese patients had approximately 90% lower number of bacteroidetes and a higher number of firmicutes. Even after modifying dietary consumption, both microbes could not achieve a balanced level similar to non-obese individuals.

Minimizing The Risk Of Obesity-Induced Diseases

There is substantial evidence on the impact of dysbiosis, an imbalanced gut microbiome, and obesity on the human body. Obesity causes the onset of chronic diseases like diabetes. Various observatory studies highlight a staggering association between diabetes and obesity. The simple equation goes as follows.

Abnormal microbiota composition disturbs various processes, such as boosting energy production, impairing the metabolism of fatty acids, and altering body fat. Such alterations contribute to obesity, enhance insulin resistance, and eventually lead to the onset of diabetes. It is because obesity modifies metabolic functions, which can trigger a higher amount of fat into bloodstreams. More fat in the blood can disturb insulin responsiveness. In fact, obese patients are approximately 80 to 85% more prone to developing type-2 diabetes than non-obese individuals.

Research studies suggest that a healthy and balanced diet improves the production of different metabolites in the gastrointestinal tract. Subsequently, the variety and richness of the microbiomes contribute to weight management and reduces complications for human health, thus highlighting the importance of gut bacteria.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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Do Fat Burners Really Work? Thu, 22 Apr 2021 08:24:23 +0000


You may want to invest in a fat burner if you’re trying to lose weight and slim your body. The following is some information on the properties of fat burners and whether they work:

What Are Fat Burners?

Fat burners are products designed to help the user lose weight. These products contain ingredients that are said to boost the metabolic processes and suppress the appetite. These products can also boost energy levels significantly.

What Are Some Fat Burner Ingredients?

According to Legion Athletics, a fat burning stack can contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. A fat burner will most likely have vitamins B6 and B12 in it to keep the energy levels high. The product may also contain elements such as iodine to regulate thyroid function. These products may also contain ginger derivatives, forskolin, 5-HTP, and other ingredients. Some fat burners also contain caffeine, which is an excellent product to boost metabolism.

Do Fat Burners Work?

If taken correctly, fat burners can be quite effective. They also need to be taken in conjunction with a fat-burning diet and a regular exercise routine. These products work well because they achieve several things at once. First, they boost energy levels, making the user motivated to exercise more frequently. They also curb the appetite so that the user doesn’t over-eat while trying to lose weight. Furthermore, fat burners may also contain elements that promote faster healing and recovery. The success rates of such products are higher for people who purchase them from a reliable provider. The provider should have experience and a large number of positive reviews relating to the product.

What Are the Side Effects of Fat Burners?

The side effects of using fat burners should be minimal if the users choose a product with natural ingredients. Users who select stimulant-based products may experience jitters and nervousness if they consume too much of the products. However, options are available that allow interested parties to purchase fat burners that do not have caffeine in them. These might be better options for individuals who may be concerned about heart-related matters. Other side effects that may occur include nausea, fatigue, headaches and the like. These side effects are more likely to occur when an individual takes a product that is not natural.

Are Fat Burners Right for You?

Fat burners may or may not be for you. If taken correctly, they should benefit you greatly and aid your weight loss process instead of hindering it. You could always try a fat burner and see how your body reacts to it over time. Many manufacturers offer a 100-percent-cash-back guarantee. That means that you can try a new product without any financial risk. You can receive a full refund if it doesn’t work out for you. It’s definitely worth a try.

Now you have a little more information about fat burners and how they work. You can now start shopping for effective fat burners that will help you achieve your desired goals.

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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Tips for Setting Realistic Weight Loss Targets Mon, 25 Jan 2021 13:17:46 +0000


When it comes to getting fit, sometimes the biggest motivator is setting a goal. When you know what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it by, it can help you focus more and get you in the zone quicker. That being said, setting a fitness target can, occasionally, be the biggest downfall for some people because they don’t set realistic goals and end up disappointed when they don’t meet them.

If you want to get in shape and are looking to set some goals to do just that, here are some tips you should keep in mind.

Timing is Key

A lot of people look to get fit for a special occasion, with upcoming weddings, big birthdays, Christmas 2021 and Eid ul Fitr 2021 to name but a few of the events people will be looking to target this year alone. There’s nothing wrong with setting a target for a big event, but it’s essential you give yourself enough time to achieve your goal. If you want to shift 28lbs in two weeks, it’s unlikely to happen and you need to be frank about it. Instead, give yourself 14 weeks to lose 28lbs. The average person loses 2lbs a week when they have a calorie deficit of 500 mixed in with an hour of exercise every day. It might not sound like much, but slow and steady really does win the race, and it’s much healthier to lose weight over a sustained period of time rather than in a short time frame. So, if you know you want to get fit by summer, now is a good time to start working out and dieting.

Don’t Look at Other People

It’s human nature to compare ourselves to other people, but when it comes to weight loss, this is never a good idea. Everyone has a weight baseline which means your body will want to sit at a certain weight. You can figure out what your set weight is by eating a normal, healthy amount of varied foods and undertaking a normal amount of exercise. When you do this, your body will likely sit at the same weight and not fluctuate. It’s very hard to undercut your baseline weight since this is where your body is most happy, but you need to remember your set weight is not the same as someone else’s. Mix this with different body types, you could work 10x harder than someone else to lose weight and still not look like them, simply because that’s not how your body is supposed to be. Keep this in mind when setting weight loss goals and never base your target off of someone else because most of the time, it won’t be attainable, but that’s no reason to be disappointed.

Use Micro Goals to Achieve Major Goals

Weight Loss Goals

The idea of losing 100lbs in a year can be daunting, especially if you have no prior fitness level. Instead of focusing on the big goal, set a selection of small goals and celebrate them. You did your first full push up? Well done! You managed to squat 20kg? Impressive! You lost 14lbs? Great news! Losing weight is all about the little victories. If they weren’t celebrated, you might go insane! It’s not just the number on the scales at the end of it that matters; all the small improvements to your fitness levels, your physical health, your confidence and your lifestyle count just as much as the big goal. Micro goals to reach major goals work, and if you don’t reach your big goal, you’ll have a bunch of smaller things you’ll have achieved instead, and you can use those to set a realistic goal about your new found capabilities.

Know Why You’re Doing It

One of the biggest reasons people fail at losing weight is because they’re not it for themselves – they’re doing it for someone else. If you’re happy and healthy in your body at a larger weight and you don’t want to change, then don’t! Just because someone says you should be smaller, that doesn’t mean it’s true, and embarking on a weight loss journey for the sake of someone else is not realistic because you’ll never be happy. This is because people will always find something to pick at, and that’s why it’s essential you know why you’re losing weight before you’re able to set a goal. It’s not realistic to please everybody else, so if that’s your driving force, your goals aren’t realistic either. Lose weight for yourself, no one else.

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  • Setting Weight Loss Targets
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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10 Benefits Of Jumping Rope Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:37:48 +0000


Jumping ropes is popular among children, and only a few people know it is one of the best cardio exercises. Several studies suggest that people who do jumping ropes daily for 10 minutes for six weeks maintain better cardio health than those who spent 30 minutes jogging for the same period. There are numerous benefits of jumping rope; it is considered a miracle exercise for people who want to lose weight fast.

If you are also looking for some incredible benefits of jumping rope to get some motivation, here is a list of 10 major benefits.

1. Reduce belly fat

Belly fat is the most stubborn fat of our body; if you try to lose some weight, the belly fat alone will make the task very difficult. Jumping rope for 15 minutes daily will help you burn 500 calories per day. The first rule to lose weight is to burn calories fast. The more calories you burn daily, the quicker you can get rid of this stubborn fat.

To lose one lbs fat per week, you need to burn at least 500 to 1000 calories per day. Make sure you take a slow start because it will not be that easy in the beginning. By following a healthy diet, jumping ropes, and better eating habits, you can lose 12 lbs in two months.

2. Reduce the chances of injuries

Exercising makes your muscle strength, and jumping rope significantly strengthen your foot and ankle muscles. People who are in sports prefer the exercise to give their foot and ankle an extra power. Jumping ropes give strength to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and ankles.

At the beginning of jumping ropes, you might feel some pain in your feet or ankles, but with regular exercise, the pain will go away, and your feet will become stronger. It is wise to do some warm-up exercises before doing jumping ropes.

3. Coordination improvements

Jumping rope helps a lot in improving the coordination of your body. It makes you focus on feet, and you may not have to put some special efforts to do so; your brain will be aware of what your feet are doing. The more you practice, the more your feet will feel lighter. When you train for some warrior-style obstacle course race, jumping ropes will make your body in shape.

4. Cardio health

Jumping ropes improve your heart health and prevent heart attacks. It is called cardio exercise for a reason. People who are into jumping ropes are less prone to get heart diseases. Jumping rope is recommended for aerobic conditioning.

Benefits Of Jumping Rope

In addition to this, it has been proved very helpful for high blood pressure patients. To improve your lungs and heart health, you can do jumping ropes from 12 to 20 minutes daily.

5. Fun and portable

Jumping ropes is fun and exciting; that’s why it is popular with both kids and adults. You can play it in your school, or sports ground. Jumping ropes is one of the best warm-up exercises, and you can do it before doing any exercise.

If you are going on some exciting vacation point with your family – why not start a jumping ropes competition with your kids and get better health with lots of fun.

6. Improvement in Bone density

Jumping rope is excellent if you don’t have strong bones to begin. With simple jumping ropes, you can achieve a lot and may not need to stress out for keeping fit. Take a slow start and increase the number you will have a solution for many health problems without challenging exercises and a strict diet.

7. Stay calm with jumping rope

Jumping ropes helps you to stay calm and relax your mind. It improves coordination between different parts, and the brain plays an active role in managing this coordination. It allows you to engage your brain in doing something healthy. The process eventually draws away stress and relaxes your nerves. Thus, the exercise will train your mind to stay calm in different situations.

8. Makes you smarter

When your whole body is involved in the process, it makes your body more active and smart. Your all body parts are in motion.

9. Improve breathing

With heart, it also improves your stamina and efficiency in breathing. Doing this exercise, you will be allowed to inhale more oxygen and secrete more carbon dioxide.

10. Improves posture

We are continuously sitting and working on laptops, computers, or busy with smartphones in our daily routines. The habits have damaged our postures, and we suffer from different health issues. One of the benefits of jumping rope is that it helps us improve posture and prevent many health problems.

Jumping ropes is not just a cardio exercise; it is a blessing for all our body parts. Happy Jumping!

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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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5 Reasons Intermittent Fasting Is One Of The Most Popular Dieting Plans Today Wed, 16 Sep 2020 00:26:59 +0000


Over the years, many different diets have filtered their way through the media and through households, only to die off when they inevitably don’t work or become too hard to follow. In the age of dieting, weight loss, and healthy lifestyle goals, there’s one weight loss plan that’s been buzzing lately—intermittent fasting.

But, why is intermittent fasting supposed to be better than the weight loss plans preceding it?  Simply put, intermittent fasting causes effects on the body that no other diet can. It forces the body to run more efficiently and become more protective of itself.

Here are some reasons why intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular diet plan out there:

1. Available Variations

A lot of the diets that are ‘on the market’ have one method that’s expected to be followed in order to yield great results. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, offers different methods that can be tailored to different lifestyles or preferences. Two of the most popular methods, while there are even more, are the 16:8 and 5:2 methods.

The 16:8 method is when fasting lasts for a 16-hour period, wherein all that’s consumed is unsweetened beverages, like black coffee, tea, or water. After the 16 hours of fasting, the last eight hours are reserved for eating.

The 5:2 method, on the other hand, is a little different—this method allows for five days of eating and, then, 2 days of 24-hour fasting.

2. Less Rules

As with any diet, intermittent fasting does require a healthy diet if you’re looking for maximum results. However, what’s more important than diet itself when fasting is the time you’re eating. A lot of diets are full of restrictions, such as the following:

How does intermittent fasting work

  • Keto: cuts back carbs, like soda, sugar, breads, etc.
  • Paleo: cuts out processed foods, grains, dairy, legumes, etc.
  • Vegetarian: cuts out meat
  • Raw food: restricts cereal, bottled condiments, crackers, cheese, processed foods in general

As you can see, all of these diets include foods that you absolutely cannot eat, and, more than that, there’s no room for sugary foods or processed foods. Fasting is different because there’s some space to indulge during eating windows, plus there are no foods that are meant to be cut out entirely. More than that, calories don’t need to be restricted.

3. Reduced Appetite

Since studies have shown that meal timing can impact appetite, intermittent fasting has the upper hand for that reason as well. By controlling the times of your meal and keeping those times on a schedule, appetite is lowered, which automatically helps reduce calorie intake. This natural lowering of calorie intake helps burn fat that’s stored in your body.

A study done by The Obesity Society found that meal timing, as done in intermittent fasting, affects your 24-hour energy metabolism, which is the process of nutrients being turned into energy.

4. Improved Fat Burning

As mentioned above, intermittent fasting affects your 24-hour energy metabolism. And, what does this do exactly?  Well, it results in fat burning. When meals are coordinated on a schedule, it not only helps reduce appetite, but it also helps improve metabolic health, which, in turn, aids the body to burn more fat on average.

With intermittent fasting, you’re controlling when meals are eaten, and this control serves to improve the body’s ability to switch from burning carbohydrates to create energy to burning fat to create the same kind of energy. Such a process is referred to as metabolic flexibility.

5. More Health Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting benefits

Possibly, one of the biggest differences between intermittent fasting and other diets is that it can improve your overall health, not just the amount of weight that’s lost. Some conditions that have shown improvement after fasting include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • Stroke
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Obesity-related diseases
  • Sleep apnea

Intermittent fasting can improve these conditions because fasting stabilizes blood sugar levels, controls inflammation, improves resistance to stress, as well as improves resting heart rate, brain health, and memory.

When fasting, the body burns first through glucose that’s stored in the liver. As fasting continues beyond 10 to 12 hours, the liver’s energy stores are depleted and the body can begin to use fat stored in the body for energy. This process is referred to as metabolic switching, and a common three-meals-a-day eating plan doesn’t allow this process to occur.

However, since intermittent fasting does allow metabolic switching to occur, the above health benefits can occur.


So, if it’s more than weight loss you’re looking for, and you desire flexibility without restrictions, an intermittent fasting diet plan may be what’s best for you.

Whether you’re fed up with diets not working or haven’t tried too many yet, intermittent fasting is a great place to start because there’s no huge diet change that must happen. Simply choose which variation of fasting you’d like to try, and plan the week ahead accordingly.

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  • How does intermittent fasting work
  • Intermittent fasting benefits
  • Intermittent fasting for weight loss
  • Intermittent fasting weight loss diet
  • Is intermittent fasting good for you
  • Is intermittent fasting safe
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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AUUR PRIVEDA Diet Supplement – Vita Shake Fri, 05 Jun 2020 04:24:25 +0000



According to advertisements, Priveda – Vita Shake has everything you want in a meal replacement shake. With different types of protein, vitamins, minerals, and extra ingredients added for weight loss, Vita Shake seems to be a well-rounded product.

But there are questions about Vita Shake that have to be answered before you take out your credit card. What’s in this product? What does it taste like? Is it expensive? And most importantly, how can it help you lose weight?

I intend to answer all of these questions and more by looking into Priveda – Vita Shake a little further.

How Priveda Vita Shake Can Help with Weight Loss

Vita Shake is a diet supplement shake, a product that probably associates with athletes. However, when diet supplement shakes are used as meal replacement shakes, products like Vita Shake can do a lot for your weight loss efforts.

Meal replacement shakes significantly reduce your caloric intake. Instead of eating a full, calorie-filled lunch, for example, most weight loss shakes are low-calorie and low-fat. Products like Vita Shake also contain enough fiber to fill you up and keep you from overeating later in the day.

Protein itself does a lot for weight loss. Most nutritionists recommend increased protein intake, along with decreased carbohydrate intake, for optimal weight loss. To lose weight, you should be consuming about three-fourths of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day.

Fitting in that much protein may be difficult, especially if you’re not used to eating a balanced diet. Using a product like Vita Shake can help you increase your protein intake.

Of course, one of the stipulations of any high-protein weight loss plan is that the protein you’re consuming is quality protein. To determine if that’s what Vita Shake provides, we’ll need to take a closer look at the formula.

The Vita Shake Formula

Vita Shake Reviews

According to advertisements, Vita Shake contains a perfect blend of 30 vital nutrients with 0 added sugar to take a multi-faceted approach to weight loss. It includes maltodextrin, oat fiber, green coffee bean extract, moringa leaf extract, and a wide range of vitamins & minerals. Together, they comprise 30 grams of nutrition per serving.

Protein develops lean muscle mass, which in turn speeds metabolism and breaks down fat.

The ingredients in Vita Shake include:

Soya Protein Hydrolysate: A standard soya protein form, soya protein hydrolysate delivers all the benefits of soy protein without the side effects. While many soya protein forms cause bloating and intestinal gas, soya protein hydrolysate is hydrolyzed and predigested to eliminate these effects. This protein form also gets to work faster than many other forms.

Green Tea Extract. Green tea is packed with enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins, adding health benefits to the body. It also reduces body fat by a small percentage. This particular brand has no caffeine, providing all the health benefits without the side effects.

Whey Protein Concentrate. The least filtered whey protein available, whey protein concentrate yields up to 70-85% protein and approximately 5% lactose. It is digested quickly so you can get the amino acids you need when you need it. Whey protein concentrate is rich in BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) needed for muscle growth. Whey protein concentrate digests quickly, providing appetite suppression.

Calcium Caseinate. A casein protein derivative, this slow-digesting protein takes hours to digest. It provides a steady amino acid release throughout the day and may increase satiety.

Just by looking at the formula, I can tell that manufacturers did their homework when selecting ingredients for Vita Shake. Each protein form has its benefits and role in the weight loss process.

With the addition of Garcinia Cambogia extract for fat burning and digestive enzymes for absorption, manufacturers have created a pretty impressive shake. These extra ingredients give Vita Shake an edge over the competition.

How to Use Vita Shake

Vita Shake usage instructions are pretty straightforward. Manufacturers recommend combining 1 scoop of powder with water or milk. You can take Vita Shake whenever you want, but the best times are as a meal replacement, with meals, after exercise, between meals, or before bed. The effect lasts up to 8 hours.

With Vita Shake, there is no recommended number of servings you should take per day. You can go by the recommendation of three-fourths of your ideal weight in grams per day to calculate how many servings you’ll need, or you can play it by ear.

Vita Shake Flavors

How a meal replacement shake tastes is a make-or-break deal. While some protein shakes are delicious, others taste bland or chalky.

Fortunately, customers say Vita Shake tastes pretty good. It comes in a royal chocolate flavor. The texture is smooth as well, so you won’t have to deal with gritty or clumpy shakes.

What You Get When You Place The Order

It will cost you Rs.999 for 500 gm, and you will get a shaker bottle as well, which is of great quality. This may seem a little expensive, but considering the quality of the ingredients in Vita Shake, it’s probably reasonable.

The Final Word on Vita Shake

I am impressed with Vita Shake. It has quality ingredients, a well-rounded formula, and you can start seeing results in 2 weeks. If you’ve ever thought about using a meal replacement shake to help you lose weight, Vita Shake seems to be a good bet.

  • TAGS
  • Diet Supplement Shake
  • Meal Replacement Shake
  • Priveda Vita Shake Review
  • Weight loss Vita Shake
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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10 Ways to Lose Weight Rapidly – How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week Thu, 21 Nov 2019 05:44:22 +0000

How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week

Before delving into the ways to drop a few pounds quickly, we have to keep in mind a couple of things. Yes, you will have in all probability heard them before, however reminders never hurt. The first is that before you start any weight loss program or exercise program, you need to check along with your doctor. The opposite is that reducing weight too shortly will be detrimental to your health. Make sure that you keep hydrated and that you do not utterly starve yourself.

The largest success stories come from programs you can keep on for the long run, not just for a fast loss. Therefore, if it’s worthwhile to lose more than just a few pounds, search for a plan that has selection, flavor, and is straightforward to follow. Now, with that out of the best way, allow us to proceed.

The quickest technique to shed pounds is with a rigorous train schedule. Do not forget that if you burn more energy than you absorb, you’ll lose weight. Watch out that you do not overdo and harm yourself. Work as much as the plan, if needed. That said, in case you may do seven hours of rigorous exercise each week, you’d lose weight. This needs to be cardio exercise. Warm up, then work as much as breaking a sweat and continue to sweat for your entire hour.

Cardio train is available in a number of types, and also you do not need to stick with just one. Select between running, biking, swimming, step aerobics, rhythmic boxing, kickboxing, or dance. Several exercise programs involve dance like Zumba, Hip Hop, Hustle and Funk. You can find most of these and many more on rentable DVDs. Change your routine daily for variety and fun.

1. Energy count

In the event you can reduce your present weight loss plan back, you possibly can lose weight. Take your current body weight and multiple by seven. Now try to set your each day calorie consumption to that quantity or slightly less. Do not go under 1,050 calories per day. Most diets use round 1200 on average.

2. Diets are the following strategy to explore

You may strive many fad diets. Search for success tales from people like yourself, and search for one that’s easy to follow for you. If you can not get or cannot afford specialty foods, some diets may not be doable for you.

The Lemonade Weight-reduction plan uses a salt-water flush within the morning, lemonade all day, and an herbal tea at night. This food plan is good in case you are very robust-willed and don’t need to lose greater than 10-20 pounds.

3. The Grapefruit Weight loss plan

It has been around for a long time and works fairly nicely within the short term. With this weight-reduction plan, you eat grapefruit three-four occasions per day and have a very restricted menu to complement it.

Watch out that you are not taking any remedy that grapefruit interferes with earlier than starting this diet. The Cabbage Soup Food regimen has you consuming tons and plenty of cabbage soup for seven days. The weight loss plan has other issues, like fruits and veggies added for each day.

There are various extra out there. Discover the one that fits your life-style and taste.

4. One other technique is to jot down it down

With this plan, you record all the pieces you eat. You shouldn’t have to maintain it or present it to anyone. Just jot it down. Assessment the record at the finish of the day to see if you’re cutting again and keeping up along with your exercise.

Holding an inventory can present you where the issue areas are in your plan. It could present the occasions that your will energy is weak, or what meals should be faraway from your private home to prevent temptation.

5. Limiting elements of your weight loss plan

Limiting elements of your weight loss plan may give you a very good start. If you limit fat, salt, and starches from your food regimen, you’ll cut back fluid and fluid retention in your body. Fluids can account for as much as 5 pounds of your physique weight.

This may help you leap-begin your weight loss plan. Keep in mind to drink a number of water, eat three meals a day with one snack, and don’t skip any meals. Another plan calls for eliminating all white flour merchandise and all sugar out of your each day intake.

You need to eat 5 small meals a day and drink numerous water. Get plenty of relaxation, at the very least eight hours per night time, and begin exercising.

6. Adding gadgets to your every day consumption

Eat more fiber. Fiber fills you up shortly, and thus you will eat less of different foods. Fiber stays in your stomach longer and keeps you from feeling hungry longer. Add inexperienced tea to your diet.

Look for teas which have catechin and polyphenols. The tea will improve metabolic rates to burn more calories, maintain your vitality, and encourage your body to release fat cells. Add 2-3 cups of Wu-Yi tea to your each day routine. This traditional Chinese language oolong tea may also encourage your body to lose weight.

7. Limit your Strength Coaching

Strength coaching no less than twice every week, on high of your cardio exercise routine, will allow your body to build extra muscle and release extra fat. Work on particular muscle groups or core muscles. Tighten your tummy, your buttocks, or your thighs. Power coaching is nice to your long-time period health. Keep in mind that the fatter you’re, the more weight you can lose quickly.

8. Keep Walking

Walk, walk, and walk all over the place you can. Get a pedometer and begin counting your steps. For those who can stroll not less than 15,000 steps per day, you can lose weight. It is as simple as parking your automotive on the far end of the lot or a pair blocks from your destination.

It doesn’t value anything to walk, and the additional steps convert to additional calories burned. So get transferring and walking.

9. Never Get Demotivated

Willpower is the important thing to reaching success with any weight reduction program. How unhealthy do you need to lose this weight? How much do you need to change your physique picture? How much are you willing to give up or to vary to attain these targets?

Having the need to or the desire is the means in your success. A help system can be beneficial. A buddy that can work out with you or which you can call when you are feeling weak.

10. Make a detailed plan

Determine how you will approach your weight loss goal. When you resolve on a system, outline precisely what you propose to do and when you will do it. Do it per week at a time.

Take a calendar and write down the steps for right this moment, for tomorrow, and for the next day. Do not beat your self up if you don’t handle every little thing, however having the plan step-by-step is an effective way to see what you may have achieved to date and what you might be doing next.

There are a lot of approaches to shedding pounds fast. It’s best to choose the one or ones that you just really feel will benefit you most. Do not unfold yourself too skinny by trying too many things at once. This could possibly be detrimental to your well being and make you extra prone to fail to attain your goals. Bear in mind the other issues in your life that could be causing you to gain weight. The almost certainly sources could be lack of sleep, added stress, medications, a medical condition, and even menopause.

Listen to your body, keep constant, stick to the plan, and you need to obtain your weight reduction goal.

  • TAGS
  • Lose Fat
  • Weight loss
  • Weight Loss Plan
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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Fasting 101: How Can Fasting Help You Lose Fat? Tue, 15 Oct 2019 11:08:22 +0000


The practice of fasting is as old as humanity. It was used for health benefits and religious reasons among others. While I don’t really understand the religious reasons, I find the health and fat loss benefits very intriguing.

If you have been in the fitness community for a while you have probably noticed several fitness experts using and recommending this “technique” for fat loss. Martin Berkhan and Brad Pilon being the most famous ones.

Today we will take a look at the basics – why should you start fasting, how and what results can you expect.

The Myth of Starvation Mode

When people say that if you won’t eat every three hours your body will turn into a starvation mode and start using muscles for energy, it really drives me nuts. Because if someone can say BS like this he obviously has no idea how the human body works, doesn’t have a clue about research, can’t point out difference between fat mass and muscle mass and is just repeating what he heard from some guy that took a summer dietitian course.

What should really raise the red flag if you hear about this concept, that’s finally starting to be pushed away even from media, is why the hell would your body consume muscle tissue before fat? That’s completely contrary to how your body works. The reason why your body stores fat is to save the energy for later when it’s needed and to protect your body from having to go into muscle tissue. Muscles on the other hand are responsible for movement, so why would they be consumed for energy? That just doesn’t make any sense (like most of the conventional fitness advice).

The idea is that after prolonged way of eating very little calories you should burn muscle instead of fat, that’s just BS.

The truth is, your body tries to preserve muscles at any cost, because it needs them to move around. It would only go there to get energy, if you were approaching life threatening low body fat levels. Most literature suggests that this is around 4-5% of bodyfat. And this suggestion seems very likely considering the fact that professional bodybuilders are on muscle building drugs even when they are cutting down to preserve the muscle mass. They want to get to extremely low body fat, so in their cases their bodies might actually try to “consume” lean body mass.

Anyway, the point is that yes something like a “starvation mode” does happen, but you have to be incredibly lean and I mean 4% body fat lean. And that’s not just six pack ripped, to give you an idea 4% of body fat is where you look sick, your face is skinny even though you may have big muscles, it just isn’t attractive and if you were at 4% you would know it.

Starvation mode is basically when your body is no longer able to metabolize fat for energy. This is why and when it turns to lean body mass. This will happen at a very low body fat level and for most people who are healthy is not a possibility.

Conclusion is that you don’t have to worry about your body turning to lean body mass as a fuel just by skipping few meals every day.

Fasting for Fat Loss

The biggest benefits of them all. If you ask a kid how to lose fat, he will tell you to eat less. I am not sure how we got to where we are today, but nowadays it seems that in order to lose weight, something that couldn’t’ be simpler, just eating less and burning more you have to follow endless list of rules.

Here is a list of what most dietitians would have you followed in order to lose fat:

  • Eat six times a day
  • Measure macronutrients in your food and make sure you follow the guideline
  • Eat based on your weight
  • Never eat chocolate, pizza, burgers, fries, sweets
  • Eat 150-200 grams of protein every day
  • Never go for than three hours without food
  • Prepare all your food at home
  • Eat only organic and raw food
  • Eat healthy (what the hell does that mean??)

…and the list of stupid rules just goes on.

Well, this is NOT how to structure you diet.

Here is how should your diet actually look like:

  • No rules at all
  • Eat anything you want, but limit the amount
  • Make your diet around your lifestyle and social eating events like weddings
  • Eat less calories than you burn

All this is doable just by eating less during the day. However, frequent meals usually trigger eating response and your appetite goes up the minute you start eating.

This is where fasting or intermittent fasting comes into play. You can just go 16-48 hours without eating and not to worry about food at all. Just drink water, you can also have a coffee or green tea if you want. You will suddenly have more alertness, energy, be more productive, can handle more intense workouts and after a while feel less hungry, you will discover why and when you eat and you will end up with the ability to manage yourself better.

Fasting will help you get control over your diet. And since you will be eating less calories, you will lose fat.

Fasting will also help you account for errors in your calculations and can also let you enjoy some big social eating events you will go to.

Does Fasting Scare You?

Most people are afraid of not eating for a while. Just remember your recent visit to Starbucks where a friend asked you if you are going to take something with the coffee and you responded: “Of course we won’t eat for another five hours.

If going through the day without food scarce you, you have some deep emotional disbeliefs we will have to work on.

Most people think that if they stop eating for few hours their body will somehow melt down or their metabolism will slow down and when they eat again they will start gaining fat fast. This is just a proof of how strong the current fitness marketing is, because none of this is true or based on any scientific research.

The best way to motivate customers to buy is fear and it seems that marketers think that this is the only way to sell their products, so they make up stories about metabolism slowing down or crashing down and your body consuming muscle tissue for energy.

If you think for a while and use common sense then ask yourself this. Why the hell would your body consume muscle mass when it has energy storage that’s exactly design to be used when there isn’t any food around? Just doesn’t make sense.

What happens when you fast and work out, what happens is quite the opposite. You will actually BUILD MUSCLE while fasting!

Fasting for Muscle Growth

One of the main benefits of fasting is natural production of growth hormone (the Hollywood drug). So, the best way to take advantage of this would be to work out in a fasted state.

You don’t want to do your first fast while working out, because it can take you a while until you get used to that feeling. However, after couple of fasts (about 4-5) you should be able to train in a fasted state and enjoy the benefits.

Personally, all of my strength training sessions are done in a fasted state, only occasionally I will go to the gym like 5 hours after a light meal. This may be like once a month, but other than that I always work out in 15-18 hours fasted state.

Other benefits of training in a fasted state than the growth hormone response is that you will have a lot of energy and alertness if your body doesn’t have to digest food. Just think about lions and other predators. When do they hunt? After having a big meal? No, they hunt when they are hungry and haven’t eaten for hours or days. Humans aren’t that different. Yes, during the first couple of fasts you will feel dizzy, but that’s because you have been overeating for the past 20 years or so, so your body is conditioned to have constant food intake, if you take it away it will crave it and will want to get it back. But this doesn’t mean it’s bad for you. This feeling will go away after couple of fasts and it will become natural for you and a part of your lifestyle, after a while you won’t even have to think about it.

When you get to that state, you can take it to that next step and start training in a fasted state. Actually, I have a rule about the intensity of a strength training routine, if you can train after having a meal, then you are not training hard enough.

If you have a good and challenging workout then fasting will help you take advantage of it and really get the most out of it.

And little note here, you will find that in your fasted state you are actually stronger than in a fed state. This goes hand in hand with the lion analogy above. What do predators do after having a big meal? Rest and sleep, they don’t hunt. Now, what do you do after having a meal? Exactly, rest and sleep and even if you don’t you probably feel pretty tired and would like to take a nap or something.

Think about it.

Start training in a fasted state, it will help you immensely.

How Long Should You Fast?

This one is a bit tricky. Most people fall into the 24 hour category, some to 14-18 hour range and some should even try 72 hour fasts.

The question is where are you?

If your goal is maintenance, fasting schedule will be different than if you want to lose 40 pounds.

Let’s say your goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat. If you have that much to go, it will actually be pretty easy to fast often and for a long period of time. You can do 72 hour fasts if you want rapid results. However, for most people it’s more suitable to just go 24-36 hours without food. We all have life, don’t we? And sometimes there are events we need to attend and meals we need to have in order not to be viewed as weird. But anybody can fit a few 24 hour fasts each week.

Start slowly. If this is a new concept to you, take your time. Start with one 24 hour fast a week. And even if that’s too much, start with 16 or 18 hour fast and work your way up to the 24 hour mark.

If you can handle one fast every week. Increase it to two and see how you adjust. If you can make several weeks with two fasts, consider adding one or two more for quicker results.

Now, let’s move to maintenance.

Once you lose those pounds, things will change. When you get lean, you won’t be able to handle really long fasts. If you get to under 12% of bodyfat, then 48 hours probably won’t be possible for you. Not that it would do you any damage, but you will feel really hungry. And even if you could handle that, you would eat back up again afterwards, simply because your body would undergo too big deficit compared at a pretty low bodyfat level.

At this point you need to take a different approach. You actually have to shift from few long fasts to more fasts, but very short ones. Since you will be comfortable with fasting, will have created routine and are working out in fasted state at this point the best for you is to stay in 16-24 hour fasted window 4-5 times a week to either lose the last 5-10 pounds to get ripped or maintenance your lean body and enjoy big social eating events every week.

Here’s how it can actually look like. You wake up, have your morning coffee (with very little milk if any at all, remember you want to be in a fasted state), then after few hours you go to the gym and train. Then you wait few more hours and maybe at 4 or 5 pm you have a big meal after which you can take a nap to regain energy. Then you can focus on work or do some important tasks before dinner four hours later.

This is just an example of how you can do it. Experiment with different styles and choose whatever suits you the best, but be aware that this semi-fasted pattern has been proven by many for maintenance or for losing the last pounds of fat.

Just know where you are and what your goal is. This will determine your next steps.

Fasting is really an easy way to a have great looking body and flexible and fun social life.


  • The “starvation mode” is a myth and the you would have to be extremely low in body fat, under 4% bodyfat
  • Your diet should be simple without any stupid rules
  • The only “rule” you have to follow in your diet is eating less calories then you burn to lose fat
  • Fasting can help you with both fat loss and muscle building
  • Skipping few meals is one of the most healthy things you can do, stop overeating throughout the day
  • Fasting will help you discover why and when you eat, you will gain more control over your body
  • First few fasts might be uncomfortable, your body needs to get used to it
  • If you can train after having a meal, you are not training hard enough
  • Best time to train is after 14-18 hours of fasting
  • Fasting will help you with productivity and it will also give you more energy
  • The length and frequency of your fasts will be dictate by your current state, there is a difference between having to lose 40 pounds and just 10

Now it’s your turn. Have you ever tried fasting and more specifically intermittent fasting? Are you comfortable with skipping meals or were you ever afraid of “starvation mode”? What were your results? Are you still training in a fed state? The MyBeautyGym community wants to hear from you!!!

  • TAGS
  • 48 hour fast
  • 48 hour water fast
  • 72 hour fast
  • 72 hour fast weight loss
  • 72 hour water fast
  • Does fasting burn fat
  • Fasting body fat
  • Water fasting fat loss
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Vijay Diwakar
Vijay Diwakar has been in the health industry for more than 10 years. He has inspired people for Weight Loss, Building Muscles and Living a Healthy life. He also likes to write about Latest Trends at TrendsBuzzer. Stay Connected to him on Twitter and Facebook.

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